Dungeon Run, so close, yet so far!

31 July 2011

In FFXIV, since the 1.18 version update, the week-old, rank 45 dungeon, Dzaemel Darkhold, in Coerthas, has been the hot activity around town.

Tonight I went with the RS LS and a few other friends. We were very close to defeating it this time around. I'd say, this is my 3rd or 4th night trying to accomplish the almost impossible that Square Enix has created, but I like it!

We had gotten a good routine to getting to the ogre with ample time (around 40-43 minutes left on the clock) and by our 5th try, we were cracking away at it slowly but surely! Unfortunately we weren't able to defeat it and with our real lives' time running out and fatigue coming in, in our last run, we had gotten it down to about 20% HP before we all wiped.

Nonetheless, it was a good experience for me personally as I really enjoyed the challenge and the standards SE has remade for the game. I do hope to get some good drops in the next few runs but firstly and foremostly, just defeat this ogre and finish the quest!


Rank 50 Fisher ~FFXIV

21 July 2011

So in FFXIV, I finally achieved Rank 50 Fisher! It's my second 50 next to my gladiator. (Shield 50 doesn't really count since you can't play shield as a class). It's been a long run, a VERY very long run. I don't think I've even touched Disciples of War/Magic for the past 3 months or so. And though I've crafted, I think the final push to R50 fishing was like being in an insane asylum. I was stuck in the same spot doing the same thing over and over, and I didn't even log in to any other games or my god, check any of my social websites!! ∩(´∀`)∩♪ (Luckily, there's netflix and lots and lots of Korean drama.)

Sakuya @ La Noscea seas
Yet, I really am happy I got somewhere with Disciples of Land. It's proving useful in ways the general ffxiv public haven't quite realized yet. I think I will be doing Botany as my next DoL job since it yields not only wood/branches, but also items for culinarian/weaver/alchemist.  The only thing that makes me a little frustrated with having gotten fishing to 50 is that Square Enix has decided to put the DoL jobs on the backburner and not introduce any new content for them. So much for legendary fish monsters and rare items to fish for. ( *´д)/(´д`、)

But on the plus side, now that I am a top gear fisher, I can fish schools of fish with 10 attempts on each cast. It's plenty of pulling in lots of needed items like my current red/blue coral need for goldsmithing which will bring me to GLD 50 once I get stacks and stacks of red/blue coral! I've found a great spot for it but I'm gonna keep it a secret for now!! before all the other people who decide to come back after the patch, want to find out!


Undergoing a Makeover

16 July 2011

It's about time Lifestyle of Lynnfoxx undergo a complete makeover! The last blog was dark and heavy and components all dragging the eyes everywhere. So, this time around we're going to be making a lighter, simple looking blog. We're still working on it so please be patient while we clean up a bit and add more splash to the site!

Also, I apologize for not having written in a very long long time. Life and work is busy and well, haven't had time to seriously play the games I want to play. I mean, FFXIV is alright but it's become a grind and without content, SE is losing many many valuable players. I'm still holding on though, doing lots of my crafting and disciples of land. Almost got my fishing to 50 though - it's at 49 and I hope I can get to 50 before the next patch comes on July 22, 2011.

Besides that, I've been exploring around Second Life. Just started remodeling my house... burning down the old one at the beach and creating a whole new skybox, all for my own private purposes... muhahaha... but seriously, it's fun to create in Second Life, i just wish i had more time to do so. I'd be able to open up my little jewelry shop if I could.

Anyways, the summer in NYC is always hot and sticky, so make sure to stay cool, drink lots of fruity drinks and smoothies!


Peko peko

Kaiseki sashimi!


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