
26 September 2010




23 September 2010

今日FFXIVにやっとINできました!「Corneliaのサーバ」 けどーーーすっごい疲れましたから、早くキャラを作ってリムサロミンサに入ってまだ何もしませんでしたw もう寝ますからw
キャラ作るのは複雑なーと思っていました、6時間かかりましたよーーー すっげーメンドクサカッタ!
ま~ 明日続きますー頑張ります!Σd(゚∀゚d)!


Happy 추석 to all Koreans :)

21 September 2010

So I learned tomorrow is 추석(Chusok), a Korean national holiday, similar to that of Thanksgiving in the United States, where families gather to say thanks and celebrate all kinds of wealth and givings of historical and traditional times. I think it's so wonderful to have this kind of holiday. It makes for a good excuse to get together with family you have not seen in a long time or just another reason to party on.

I guess a lot of the ladies will wear traditional dress on this occasion. To me, the Korean traditional attire is nothing like any other Asian countries. The colors are clean, simple, yet very brilliant, and the design is also amazing as well. Other Asian countries, especially the Southeastern islands and the whole area surrounding Thailand, seem to use excessive details and ornaments in traditional garments, which don't really appeal to me very much in the fashion sense. (They are still, all very beautiful, don't get me wrong).

Anyways, besides the beauty that comes out during this holiday, the wonderful food that arises is, to say the least, scrumptilicious!! (sp!lol)
I've always loved going to Korean restaurants and getting all the tiny bowls of appetizers and munching on them before the main dishes arrived. That was always Korea to me. And seeing some of these holiday traditional dishes just makes me want to try more new Korean dishes out there!

They also have a typical traditional food made specially for the Chuseok occasion called songpyeon, little rice cakes filled with grains like red beans, jujube, and chestnuts, and steamed over pine needles. To me, it looks like very cute mochi but I have yet to try these. I wonder if I ever can??

Nonetheless, culture is always fascinating and wonderful to me. I hope I can share this little bit of Korea with those of you who have come to my blog and read about this. Thank you very much. Go out there and explore the world with your own eyes, hands, and ears, and you will receive much more treasure than you'll ever need in a lifetime.

정말 감사합니다. 안전하게 그리고 휴일을 즐길 수 있습!!
☆^ヽ(*゚`∀´゚)乂(´゚∀゚`*)ノ^☆゚━━━゚.+:。( ´∀`)(|__| ☆ |__|)(・∀・ )゚.+


Just Bento.

20 September 2010

While surfing the web for Japanese translations of strange phrases, I came upon a bento site for foreigners that was absolutely lovely and cute! I had to share it!
JUST BENTO is a site of a woman named Makiko Itoh who is bilingual and shows all sorts of ways to make cute little bentos for yourself, your children, your significant other, whoever... And it even has a bento planner widget or a meal planner if you can't pack things cutely into a tiny box. The amazing thing about this site that i found unlike other bento sites is how healthy everything is. There's isn't a whole lot of greasy or fried items and yet everything seems ravenously edible.

I just love bentos and there are some crazy bentos out there where people, mainly female, make some interesting pictures or food art with their bentos, like a Hello Kitty face or whatnot. Well, you can google those yourself but check out JUST BENTO for a quick lesson on bentos if you want.


Teenage Dream (cover)

19 September 2010

Wow my friend in RL, Chris posted this in his tweet and i dont know whether I'm thankful I clicked the link or regretful...


Do you believe in ghosts?

18 September 2010

So one of my favorite American TV shows is Ghost Adventures, where three guys travel around the world to haunted locations and try to use science to prove that ghosts (or spirits) really exist.

Half of this show I think is just fake. A lot of it I think is acting. But the really fun and cool thing that I like about the show is the evidence they capture using some really interesting technology. The tape recorder is very typical for capturing ghostly voices and sounds. But sometimes the Ghost Adventures team uses things like a UV camera or device which allows ghosts to channel certain words into a screen... well, it gets complicated to try to explain but this show, if in one word, compared to other ghost shows, is entertaining.

The new season premiere, which aired tonight, New York east coast timezone, at 9:00pm, was kind of interesting. It was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a place which I never expected to really be 'that kind of haunted.' I mean, the United States of America has such a short history, I would think very old places that have seen a lot of bloodshed and strife would be better candidates for haunted hot spots. Yet there were some pretty disturbing places shown at the show.

But besides visiting interesting haunted places, the team of 3, Zak, Nick, and Aaron, do their 'lockdown' as they call it, in complete darkness, no extra people, no extra help. I think this is very new and as being the brave guys as they are, they go into some very dark places I would never in a million lifetimes find myself in. I think it's a great setting for a show and i always get creeped out by the end of it with my arm hairs sticking out! Perhaps there are static ghosts through the television??

For myself, I somewhat believe to a certain extent that spirits do exist out there yet we as human beings, are unable to understand the relevance of the afterlife or beyond to our own existences. So therefore I am considered agnostic to many. But having this tiny bit of belief allows me to enjoy this kind of haunted show. For others who don't get scared so easily, you're no fun. :P


New Kdrama, New Look, New Shoes

16 September 2010

So first off as this blog post says, I've started watching Personal Preference/개인의 취향 which starts the lovely Lee Min Ho from Boys Before Flowers.

Here's a blurb of the plotline:
Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who pretends to be gay in order to become Park Kae In's roommate. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he’s known for his stoic poker face. He’s a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out a women’s feelings. Kae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Kae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?

It starts a little slow I'll have to say, but then picks up in the 2nd episode when the character of Jeon Jin Ho starts to live with Park Kae In. Well, I haven't gotten too far yet so i'll stop there. But those of you who are interested, it is streaming on mysoju.com as well as some other nice dramas.

For this blog, I've installed easy access toolbar in the bottom as well as changing some widgets. I just discovered Wibiya and trying it out now. I hope it picks up some speed with people who visit. I will have to get this blog out more.

Lynnfoxx now has a Facebook page all to her own now and tweets should be normally coming in now. I think I'd like to change the look of this blog's template but just can't seem to find any templates that I like.


Kim Beom~ 김상범

 So I have just finished watching Boys Before Flowers/꽃보다 남자 and Dream/드림and if I could describe the very perfect face for my dream date or dream man, it would have to be Kim Beom.

I know, I know, I've gone through Matsumoto Jun, and Hiroshi Tamaki and all those other fruity guys, who else should I mention anyways?? lol

But I think this one is the winner, why? Well, for his baby face and his composure. And he's Korean, the most realistic acting there is in the Asian world! I love the sound of his voice and I really really hate him for that. It makes me want to rip my hair out and wish I never discovered him. You know how that feels, like a first love that just won't come true and you know it! Haha, ok just another fangirl whining so pay no attention to me.

But really, if you haven't seen Boys Before Flowers, and enjoy K-drama, you are sooo missing out on the K-pop culture! One of my cousins just flew out to Korea for a language translation job and I am sooo jealous! Well, it's not like I'd ever be able to meet Kim anyways but hell, i'll see him in my dreams! For the girls, more images of the lovely Kim Beom (pronounced like bum) below.

Maybe next idol post I'll blog about a hot, sexy, female asian celeb.
Kim Beom as a K-1 trainee...HOT! (Now if ever i'd watch sports, i'd have to watch beautiful men do it!)


One week to FFXIV CE!

Doing some overhaul work on this site before I go pick up my FFXIV Collector's Edition next week at Gamestop! I can't wait... but actually, funny thing is, even though I got in since the beginning of beta, i opted out of the open beta just because I know it's gonna happen all over again and why waste my time on a broken product when I can just put my efforts into the official one. Ahhh! But I can't sit still for a week!

I'm still contemplating what race to make, female midlander or catty miqo'te.... I like the miquotes this time around (as oppsed to the mithra in FFXI). They are beautiful. The human females are beautiful too but I just can't stand the girly run that they have, swinging their arms left and right like they've never exercised or played a sport before. It feels so condescending to the female species. ┐(´д`)┌

But well, who knows, I'd rather be taken for a female gamer than mistaken for a male gamer playing a female character, so I most likely may make a Midlander. Maybe I'll make a miqo'te for my 2nd character for something else. If there is a purpose for something else... have yet to understand the skill point allocation system and how i can level efficiently with the fatigue system.


so hurray for ffxiv. and boo to all those male testosterone gamers out there. There's xbox for that, which I myself indulge in time to time. But ffxiv is not for testosterone and bloodsports. :D hehe

On another note, Lynnfoxx has started a new Facebook Fan Page, which you can link to below in the new toolbar below. Same with twitter, though Twitter is the real me, real life accounts, and the like... One could say, more ways to increase e-stalkers but hopefully I'll get some good following going and have some enjoyable tweeting going around.... I wonder if i should make a post about why i've never tweeted for such a long time.

Ah the internet is just getting way too complicated for me. >.> I think i'll go shopping. :) <3


Linkshell Poster 2010 Contest Entry!!

01 September 2010

Oh my gah=== I can't believe August is finished... now THAT was a crazy month! And next to that, I was able to finally finish my entry for the eorzeapedia LS wants you contest. I took the whole damn time to make it too, i wish i were a better/faster artist. I have a friend who works at Disney who told me once, "A good artist can most well draw about anything given, but a great artist is consistent." So true my friend, so true.

Well, that said, here is my entry and below is a slideshow of how i came about with the image. I don't use Photoshop like most people probably do... it's very hard for me actually. I use a japanese program called SAI that i highly recommend to those who want to do very fine line art. It's so smooth and the sensitivity with the wacom tablet is really good. I just wish i was a better cartoonist... I can't draw any cartoons or anime very well. I wish I had more time because people always look back and wish they could change this or that. if I could change anything, i'd change the layout... feels too squished and crowded. But I do like the font of the title! haha, the designer in me talking! :P

But oh well, it's done, i gotta get back to work now! I hope people will enjoy the image! 
カンパ━━━゚.+:。( ´∀`)(|__| ☆ |__|)(・∀・ )゚.+:。━━━イ!!


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