Thought on FFXIV

08 October 2010

It's already been about 2 weeks for me on FFXIV on Mysidia server and I have to say, the graphics are really stunning and amazing. But.... the game really sucks.

I'm so very disappointed and thinking, I should cancel my characters and wait a few months until Square Enix adds some improvements and more "fun" to the game. Of course, you can't really 'add' more 'fun' to a game but they really do have some fundamental concepts changed and might need an overhaul to get their fans back in place.

Just take a look at this review from Gamespot... it is a little harsh and I don't agree with everything the guy says, but he does nail down the basics on that it is clearly a very unintuitive interface (menus nested within menus of menus), and after learning how to play, there's just nothing left to do after doing the quests given to you which is limited to 8 within a 36 hour period. Then, the game just becomes a crafting grind which... who wants to play that kind of game from a huge mmo?? Moreover, who wants to PAY for a game where you craft?

Even the Japanese community is flaming down on SE... the fanboys of SE are most definitely very, very, very nervous... They tried to analyze where the game failed in 2channel and the consensus was just: PHAIL.

I feel sad and sorry for SE because they've had a wonderful chance, or chances to make great games. People say since Enix merged with Square, the quality started to go down. I don't think this is the case as the Dragonquest games and Kingdom Hearts series are very popular and I enjoyed them myself!

But perhaps SE needs to get off their high horse and listen to the community, then listen to the feedback from a more general audience and improve on constructive criticism, not make things that they like and fit the Final Fantasy series feel. Game are changing at a really fast pace now, and social networking is the next big thing to hit the smartphones... where will gaming take SE if FFXIV fails in the next 3 months??


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