Do you believe in ghosts?

18 September 2010

So one of my favorite American TV shows is Ghost Adventures, where three guys travel around the world to haunted locations and try to use science to prove that ghosts (or spirits) really exist.

Half of this show I think is just fake. A lot of it I think is acting. But the really fun and cool thing that I like about the show is the evidence they capture using some really interesting technology. The tape recorder is very typical for capturing ghostly voices and sounds. But sometimes the Ghost Adventures team uses things like a UV camera or device which allows ghosts to channel certain words into a screen... well, it gets complicated to try to explain but this show, if in one word, compared to other ghost shows, is entertaining.

The new season premiere, which aired tonight, New York east coast timezone, at 9:00pm, was kind of interesting. It was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a place which I never expected to really be 'that kind of haunted.' I mean, the United States of America has such a short history, I would think very old places that have seen a lot of bloodshed and strife would be better candidates for haunted hot spots. Yet there were some pretty disturbing places shown at the show.

But besides visiting interesting haunted places, the team of 3, Zak, Nick, and Aaron, do their 'lockdown' as they call it, in complete darkness, no extra people, no extra help. I think this is very new and as being the brave guys as they are, they go into some very dark places I would never in a million lifetimes find myself in. I think it's a great setting for a show and i always get creeped out by the end of it with my arm hairs sticking out! Perhaps there are static ghosts through the television??

For myself, I somewhat believe to a certain extent that spirits do exist out there yet we as human beings, are unable to understand the relevance of the afterlife or beyond to our own existences. So therefore I am considered agnostic to many. But having this tiny bit of belief allows me to enjoy this kind of haunted show. For others who don't get scared so easily, you're no fun. :P


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