Pre-order FFXIV CE and SE !!!!

07 July 2010

So the long awaited news finally came last month, where the release date of FFXIV was announced, for early birds who want the Collector's Edition (like me), you can order from Gamestop or Amazon. I pre-ordered onsite at Gamestop and online at Amazon, you just never know. And might as well give one to a friend who will play with me. Also got a Standard Edition so that I can get the extra item. Yeah, it is overkill but I went to the conventions and everything for FFXI so it's not that overkill. It's my hobby, and you're supposed to spend time, effort, and your own earned money on something you enjoy and have fun with.

Well, when the CE comes out and i go pick it up, those 8 days earlier than the rest of the world, I'll be makin my character asap and letting you all know which server I'm on, who I am, and the nation and race I pledge loyalty too!!!


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