or lack thereof... ugh sorry for no updates!
But between work, studies, and gaming, I can easily forget to write a simple post on anything shiny I find.
Recently got the opportunity to check out a movie! IKR! b/c tickets these days are $5,000 not including the popcorn and coke. Yeah, the title says it all: Magic Mike! A force not to be reckoned with. I have waiiited ALLLL my life for this.

So to the review rather than my heavy panting induced biased opinion on Channing Tatum's fat-less pecs and ass - The movie is yes, a story about a male stripper and his buddy strippers and how he takes a college drop-out and gives him the career of a lifetime. However, besides all the body rolling, stage thrusting, and lifting of full-bodied women, director Steven Soderbergh is smart enough to show the male camaraderie as we had seen in Ocean's Eleven so that the straighter counterpart of the male sex could feel included in the fun. The film does show a darker side to the whole male stripper lifestyle but then again, that's to be expected. I mean, when you think about it, it doesn't seem any more different than the female stripper's lifestyle.
And if it wasn't for Gurkie for cluing me in that Joe Manganiello (who played "Big Dick Richie"/ or Alcide from True Blood) and Matt Bomer both graduated from CMU, I wouldn't have had to /facepalm HUGELY after the party ended. Funnily enough, Matt Bomer is also gay in real life. I KNEW he was too good looking for the role. I mean, cmu has also produced
Zachary Quinto, which I say would have been an even geekier addition to the stripper staff had he been hired. But really, when you think about the forty grand per year kids pay to get an engineering degree, and graduate jobless, with the possibility of janitor at Microsoft, and yet Joe and Matt make wayyyy more than all those kids combined, you really do think twice about whether these days a good education is worth it in this economy.
but whatev! here's some good eye candy vids I could muster up with from Youtube for your viewing pleasure:
Behind the scenes (why wasn't I an extra??):
And yes, my theater was a little like this but not as loud:
My personal favorite:
Go out there and watch Magic Mike if you want to see a lot of body rolling, thrusting, handsome men. Girl's night out or absolutely fabulous gay entourage, this is a good stop by in the night before the pick me ups. If you're straight, take a girl to see this, tolerate that you're just not as hot as them, but you'll be rewarded later in the night; I swear this movie will land at least a bj for anyone in an awkward relationship. And finally, just go see it just to see it. Because it's 2012, and being objectified as a man is sooo 5 minutes ago.