It's been a long time since my last post. Just wanted to post real quick about FFXIV since it's really all the news I feel like writing about. Too much work in real life to get into other shiny entertaining things but I do hope to write a bit more this winter season.
Sakuya as archer, during a quest |
Firstly I got my second 50 fighting class in FFXIV, archer. Nothing to brag about really though since there are a ton of archers already since the darkhold dungeon was released. Working now on a mage and perhaps one more melee DD~ pugilist most likely. On getting 50s though, I did achieve 50 on my blacksmith, armorer, and weaver. My tanner is at level 49, just a couple 10k away from 50. Then I'll have a few more crafts to finish up to 50 and be done with crafting for a while. Hopefully before they start charging.
Since the last patch, or perhaps since 1.18, lots of updates, news, and information has come out regarding the future of FFXIV. Besides the billing cycle that's to come the end of this year, there was a slight mention of implementing new races down the line. Of course, firstly the obvious which is just the opposite genders of miqotes, highlanders, and roegadyns. But then I remember skimming real quickly about being able to play a demon race. I guess that must be the 'horned humans' people have rumored/guessed about. During a cutscene/quest, I myself guess this is the type of race we might be able to play:
Raya-O-Senna, NPC during a quest, sister of Gridania's leader |
And finally, I got around to finish the main storyline quest(s) of FFXIV/Limsa Lominsa... I won't give away any spoilers but this dude, from one of the cutscenes, really reminded me of darth vader... lot of stuff felt very star wars-y. There's another dude that really was like Darth Vader, even his voiceover sounded like him! I won't reveal what he looks like, people will have to do the quest and see for themselves!
One of the NPCs in L46 Main Storyline Quest |